Thursday 5 November 2015

The causes of lung cancer And methods of prevention

Is considered to have lung cancer are two types:

The first type is the lung cancer is non-small cell: This is kind of the most common types among people with lung cancer, because it grows slowly, it does not spread very quickly among the other member.

In front of the second type it is a small lung cancer cells: considered this kind of least common species among the injured, and this type grow too quickly and reach other organs in a very short time.

You can also read: the symptoms of cancer and should see a doctor immediately

One of the main causes of lung cancer is exposure to cigarette smoke caused by smoking and other breathing this smoke out of them and this is the main cause of lung cancer, and is the cigarette smoke contains a lot of chemicals that cause cancer.

Symptoms of lung cancer:

Permanent cough cough or extruded Bbulgm and also withdrawn Bbulgm blood.
Sound "hoarseness" change.
Feeling short of breath, and difficulty in the air inhalation.
Loss of appetite, lack of Zen significantly.
There are some other symptoms:

Swelling of the face and neck.
Chronic fever.
Weakness in the interval.
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