Tuesday 18 August 2015


become familiar with the appropriate equipment and technique the suctioning of the airway.

Obstruction of the airway may occur due to pooling of secretions, blood, vomit or other debris in the airway. Suctioning of the airway should be done with an appropriate size sucker and in conjunction with airway opening man oeuvres.


1. Ensure that suction tubing is attached to the suction outlet, via a suction bottle for collection of secretions / vomit's.
2. Tubing should be large bore to facilitate passage of blood or vomits.
3. The sucker should be a rigid, surgical sucker with a rigid tip and large bore openings.
4. In conjunction with basic airway opening techniques the sucker should be gently inserted into the pharynx and mouth, and secretions removed. It may be necessary to clear the tip to remove large particulate matter.
5. The placing of an pharyngeal airway will prevent the patient from biting down on the sucker.
6. In patients with clenched teeth, the airway can be suctioned with the aid of a flexible sucker passed down a pharyngeal airway.

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