Tuesday 18 August 2015


1. During the procedure
  • Failed incubation with loss of airway and asphyxia
  • Regurgitation / vomiting and aspiration
  • Esophageal incubation causing gastric distension or esophageal trauma
  • Right main bronchus incubation with electrostatic of left lung and asphyxia
  • Trauma

airway trauma GE dental injury, hemorrhage, vocal cord injury
cervical injury or exacerbation thereof
dislocation of mandible

  • Complications of the drugs administered :

Enthronement                                       - hypo tension               - histamine release 

Mentholatum                                      - raised intriguingly, astringent and intramuscular pressure
                                                           - histamine release
                                                           - hyperglycemia in patients with burns, spinal injuries
                                                           - tachycardia in infants

2. While tube is in place
  • Tube obstruction/kinking
  • Tube displacement either into oesophagus or into right main bronchus
  • Traumatic with pneumonia
  • Aspiration


1. Always maintain a well prepared crash trolley.
2. Ensure that before incubation the staff, the equipment and the patient are prepared as much as time allows.
3. Check all equipment before commencing.
4. If asphyxia occurs, assume tube malfunction or imposition first. If in doubt, exudate, ventilate, re-oxygenate and re-incubate with a fresh tube

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