Wednesday 19 August 2015


  • Identify the caricatured membrane as above
  • Infiltrate with local anesthetic using 1% linking with adrenaline
  • Using the scalpel make a vertical incision through the skin and down to the membrane
  • Make a horizontal incision through the caricatured membrane at its junction with the cricked cartilage
  • Use the forceps and scissors to open the aperture and pass the tube into the trachea
  • Remove the forceps, inflate the cuff and anchor the tube
  • Arrange a CXR
  • Mal position
              subcutaneous emphysema
              injury to nearby structures (as above)
  • Hemorrhage
  • Failure and resultant asphyxia
  • Infection
  • Provides a definitive and stable airway
  • Simpler and safer than a tracheotomy
  • Rapid
  • Landmarks are often difficult in the clinical settings in which it is needed
  • Needs some surgical skill
  • Is not recommended in a child <12 years
  • Sliding sets are expensive

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